Glad Påsk 2020


Dear friend, colleague, customer and business partner, 
the corona pandemic has disrupted our societies, businesses and lives and will leave huge imprints for a long period of time. By far we do not oversee the consequences for individuals, companies or countries. The only thing we know is that things will change. 
OrtodontiAkademin is primarily an orthodontic healthcare provider coexisting with you as your customer, consultant, contractor or collaborating partner. In this difficult time we do everything in our power to balance our part of the ecosystem of individuals and businesses we all are coexisting in. 
Our priorities over the crisis is the following: infection control, saving protection equipment, to stay in touch for all current and potential customers and mobilise for a stronger Q3 and Q4. 
Our clinic is open for emergencies and stranded patients. We offer virtual consultations and video consultations for new customers and for those who are in active treatment we provide online monitoring when applicable. Even if we face the most difficult time we also see how challenges forces us to mobilise and find solutions outside the box. In this specific aspect in fact we are facing exciting times for creativity, new business decisions and amplifying a brand.I want to thank you for your friendship, collaboration and your trust in our business. This together gives me motivation, confidence and faith in what we have beyond the corner.
By this message I wish you a restful Easter season.
Take care and stay safe //Anna